10/14/2021: Issue with Uploading Files - RESOLVED
2:03pm EDT - RESOLVED - The solution proposed by our third-party file processing partner has been deployed and uploading files is now successful. If you experience an issue with uploading files to attendee registration websites or the Budget, please contact support@groupize.com.
1:04pm EDT - UPDATE - The third-party provider has confirmed there is a current issue with the latest version of their solution which is impacting our use. They've proposed a solution and our Engineering team is in the process of implementing the fix.
12:48pm EDT - UPDATE - Users are reporting the issue is sporadic. Our Engineering team is actively working with the third-party file processing partner to diagnose & correct this issue.
12:15pm EDT - Reported issue with uploading files in various parts of the Groupize platform (i.e. attendee registration websites, Budget, etc.). Upon triaging the issue, our Engineering team has discovered an issue with our third-party file processing partner. We have contacted that provider and are awaiting next steps.